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Category Archives: Oakmont Manor

Oakmont Manor Hosts Macomb County Health Department Vaccine Clinic for 200+

On Wednesday, February 3rd, the Macomb County Health Department hosted a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Oakmont Manor to inoculate residents and staff with the new COVID-19 vaccine. Oakmont Manor was one of the first area independent senior living communities to take part in on-site clinics administered by the county.

A resident of Oakmont for 20 years getting her vaccine!


Once the vaccine initiative was announced at the state level, Oakmont began working with the county, volunteers, residents, employees, and families to ensure everyone who was eligible for the vaccine had the proper information, forms, and expectations going into the clinic. Once the day arrived, the clinic was conducted with a focus on efficiency and safety – ensuring all who were due to be vaccinated were comfortable, safely socially distanced, and ready to receive the vaccination when it was their turn. Residents and staff were arranged in small groups based on their apartment location in the building and brought to our largest common area, the dining room, in staggered time slots. This allowed residents to remain seated and comfortable while waiting in line for their names to be called.

Once called to the front of the line by volunteers, residents and staff were taken to a private nursing station where nurses from the Macomb County Health Department consulted each vaccine candidate on a few questions about past experiences and allergies. Once it was confirmed that it was safe for the vaccine to be administered, the nursing team did so with compassion and skill – ensuring all vaccinations were quick and relatively painless.

100 years old and newly vaccinated!

After being inoculated, all residents and staff were monitored for a period of 15 minutes to confirm that no side or ill effects from the vaccine would come to light. Tables were arranged in a socially distanced manner with individual timers, refreshments, and volunteers on hand to see to any need that may have arisen. Monitoring locations were also sanitized between every use. Once it was confirmed that there were no adverse reactions, residents were allowed to return to their apartments.

A heartfelt thank you to our nurses, volunteers, and all who participated in this great event that allowed more than 200 residents and staff members to be vaccinated! 

Oakmont’s Fantastic Fathers: Jack J. – Oakmont Manor

For the days leading up to Father’s Day, we’ve asked our residents and families to share stories, pictures, and favorite memories of their dads, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who live in our communities. We’ll be sharing them here on our website and on our social media channels in a series we’re calling: Oakmont’s Fantastic Fathers!

Rosemarie W. wrote in to tell us about her biggest supporter and father, Jack J., who lives at Oakmont Manor.

My dad is a true inspiration to me. He has always been my biggest supporter and the one person I could always count on in my life to help me with any problem big or small. He is my hero and my role model and I’m so grateful to have such an amazing, kind hearted, loving and caring dad.

My parents moved back to Michigan from Florida 8 years ago and for 7 of those years I’ve been able to take Dad to see his favorite baseball team play: the Detroit Tigers. We have some wonderful memories – unfortunately this year won’t work out but I plan to take dad in 2021 when he will be 100 years old!













Oakmont’s Fantastic Fathers: Joe S. – Oakmont Manor

For the days leading up to Father’s Day, we’ve asked our residents and families to share stories, pictures, and favorite memories of their dads, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who live in our communities. We’ll be sharing them here on our website and on our social media channels in a series we’re calling: Oakmont’s Fantastic Fathers!

Mary wrote in to wish her father Joe, a resident of Oakmont Manor, a very happy Father’s Day:

Happy Father’s Day Dad! You are a super father, grandpa and great grandpa!

Joe loves to play cards, play wii bowling, play the harmonica, go to the casino, watch Detroit sports teams and spend time with his family! He always seems to have good luck! But I think we are the lucky ones for having him in our lives!








Oakmont’s Fantastic Fathers: William R. – Oakmont Manor

For the days leading up to Father’s Day, we’ve asked our residents and families to share stories, pictures, and favorite memories of their dads, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who live in our communities. We’ll be sharing them here on our website and on our social media channels in a series we’re calling: Oakmont’s Fantastic Fathers!

Kristyn K. wrote in to tell us about her awesome Grandpa William who lives at Oakmont Manor.

I am proud to say that William R is my Grandpa. He has been a staple in my life for as long as I can remember. So many of my favorite memories include him- trips to hockey rinks, endless hours of playing cribbage, visits to my college campus, and him playing with my own children. He’s spunky, quirky, ornery, open-minded, and has a great sense of humor!

Tapping spoons is amongst his favorite hobbies, along with offering his cat up for adoption and providing commentary on my cousin’s latest haircut. I love listening to his stories about life before me and his time in the service. He has been married to my grandmother for 74 years and will be celebrating his 96th birthday soon! I am so grateful to have this kind of man in my life and wish him the best Father’s Day!













Oakmont Cravings: Busha’s Kielbasa & Kraut

Many of us are enjoying most of our meals at home these days, and with that change comes the challenge of figuring out what we want to cook and eat with our families. This new series we’re calling “Oakmont Cravings” will share with you some of our resident’s recommendations for delicious easy-to-prepare homecooked meals that will bring your family comfort during these uncertain times. 

Today’s Oakmont Cravings recipe is brought to us by Marianna – a resident of Oakmont Manor. Marianna was born in Poland and immigrated to the United States when she was sixteen. This recipe for Kielbasa & Kraut is a recipe that she brought with her and is a family favorite they make for all holidays. 

Busha’s Kielbasa & Kraut


  • 4lbs. Fresh or smoked kielbasa or sausage
  • 2 jars saurkraut (rinsed and drained)
  • 1 bag of dried mushrooms (dried Borowik caps)
  • Beef broth ( approximately 2 cups)
  • 1 pkg Mrs. Grass dry French onion soup



  1. Begin by boiling your kielbasa or sausage until cooked through and then transfer to a skillet to brown – then set aside.
  2. Chop the dried mushrooms and rehydrate in a bowl of water for a half-hour. 
  3. Rinse and drain the sauerkraut.
  4. Mix all ingredients together in a crockpot and cook on the “high” setting for four hours.
  5. Enjoy with your family! Delicious! Pyszne!

Special thanks to Marianna and her family for sharing their wonderful recipe with us! Stay tuned for more Oakmont Cravings on our website.