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Category Archives: Oakmont Cares

Oakmont Sterling Summons the Halloween Spirit with Scarecrow Row Sponsorship

Each year, the Troy Historical Society at the Village makes the Halloween season truly special with their presentation of Scarecrow Row – a one-of-a-kind attraction at the Troy Historic Village.

For this spooky tradition, businesses, colleges, and local organizations design custom scarecrows for display at The Village and donate sponsorship funds with the goal of supporting the educational programs and visitor services provided by the Troy Historical Society at the Village. 

This year, Oakmont Sterling has joined with 50+ other local businesses and organizations in submitting for display a custom-made scarecrow designed and created by our residents and Jodi C.- Oakmont Sterling’s activity director.


The theme of this colorful character is Our Residents are Our World, which goes to the heart of everything we do at Oakmont Sterling.

Scarecrow Row is open to visitors at the Troy Historic Village now through the end of October. For more information be sure to visit the Troy Historic Village Website and tag Oakmont Sterling (@OakmontSterling) on Facebook if you take any fun selfies.


As an engaged and community-focused company, Oakmont is always looking for ways to give back and support our causes and charities that directly impact those around us. For more information the ongoing Oakmont Cares efforts, follow us on Facebook.


Shout It From the ‘Ruff’tops: Our Puppy Has Been Born!

We are so excited to announce that at long last, a new litter of beautiful puppies has been born to our friends at Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs!

2019 marks the second time in three years that Oakmont Cares will partner with Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs to facilitate the training and adoption of a specially trained medical service dog for a Michigan veteran. Residents of all five Oakmont communities are leading the charge to again raise $22,000+ to adopt a service dog for a servicemember in need and will spearhead a variety of events, fundraisers, and campaigns throughout the year to reach this goal. 

Since starting to fundraise in early spring, more than a quarter of the funds for this adoption have already been raised. Stay tuned to the Oakmont Facebook page as well as this blog to find exciting updates on naming, training, and more!

To learn more about the 2017 adoption of Guardian Angel Medical Service Dog Whiskey, click here.

Each year, all Oakmont Communities participate in a charitable Oakmont Cares effort. In 2018, $12,000 was raised to support the recovery of Oakland Country Sheriff’s Deputy David Hack. In 2017, $22,000 was raised to train and adopt a medical service dog for a Michigan veteran. For more information on Oakmont Cares, click here.

Oakmont Cares: Oakmont Staff Volunteer for Friends of Troy Seniors

Our Oakmont Cares efforts aren’t just about raising money for worthy causes – they’re also about lending our time and energy to serving the community we call home. Our staff loves the opportunity to volunteer at many different events for causes throughout the year, and one of our favorites is the Friends of Troy Seniors. 

A fantastic advocate and resource for seniors in and around the Troy area, Friends of Troy Seniors positively impact many of our residents and their families at Oakmont Sterling, Oakmont Parkway, and Oakmont Manor. Audra Stoker, our Business Development Specialist, and former Sales and Marketing Director, Martha Teller, were thrilled to volunteer at last year’s Garage Sale at the Troy Community Center and were delighted to be featured in this month’s edition of the Fifty Forward Newsletter!

Oakmont Sterling Raises $1,700 for Two Area Families in Need

Inspired the wonderful generosity of the holiday spirit, the residents and staff of Oakmont Sterling Enhanced came together to raise money for two local families in need. With a total of $1,700 in money and other donations, the residents were able to purchase and wrap gifts for the two families which were given away in a small ceremony at the community.

The first family are members of Our Lady of Czestochowa and received gift cards to various stores including a $300 gift card to Kroger. The second family, members of the Freedom Christian Church in Sterling Heights, have two kids and received gifts wrapped in beautiful holiday wrapping paper. Both families were identified and selected by their places of worship.

Oakmont Sterling as well as the other Oakmont communities participate in fundraising and giving campaigns throughout as part of the company-wide Oakmont Cares effort. Check back on this blog for more information on upcoming charitable efforts and events.